This man travels 45km from Dholka just to teach Underprivileged students
Travelling 45 km from Dholka at the age of 80 needs courage, and such people prove that Humanity needs no definition!! A retired teacher from Dholka comes every Sunday to teach Shahin Foundation students without taking any penny.
Well at the beginning of my story, I want to first tell you that – “There is a wrong perception about Muslims that all Muslims or beard one is a terrorist”, said Habib Deboti.
I have love towards my profession that is why I used to come from Dholka 45 k.m. away from Ahmadabad just only to teach students every Sunday.
I am a retired teacher; you will be surprised that in 1995 the 10 board paper of Maths (Gujarat Secondary Board Education) was full of questions which I wrote for the exams and after that, I was being considered to make question paper for class 10. In 2002 I got retired, now I am working with the school as an HR – Deboti.
My Journey started in 2002 when HAJ community secretary of Gujarat introduced me with Hamid Memon. From that incident, we both are working together. On that day Hamid asked me what are you doing, I replied that – I am a retired teacher, done MAC mathematician.
Well on that day, he gave me a great proposal – why can’t you come and teach my students in Ahmedabad, where I have started my nonprofit NGO (Shahin Foundation). I agreed to it as it is my passion & profession to teach students so I couldn’t say no to Hamid Bhai. I also said that I will teach your students but without any penny.
Also Read: Ever heard of ‘Floating Hospital’, Jibon Tari?
By the grace of God (Allah) even after two operations, I am fit at 80- see the magic of Allah and the people who loved me.
Travel is something everybody loves to do but meeting Such people is indeed blessings!!
we loved you sir, allah aapko lambi or tandurast zindagi de, aamin
Riyaz tai
He is going well for all students.