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Kahwa tea

Kahwa Chai – The Ultimate Kashmiri essence


Kahwa Chai – The Ultimate Kashmiri essence

Starting of the day with a some tea is an every day custom for a large portion of us. It revives you, empowers you and sets you up to confront the day ahead. In any case, it has been known since ages that teas are significantly more than only a reminder. They are a superb solution for different medical problems like when you are experiencing cool or an annoyed stomach, or notwithstanding when battling pressure or morning infection. 

kahwa Tea

Kahwa tea from Kashmir is one such drink which is an astonishing mix of delightful taste, fragrance and a heap of medical advantages. It has been known to be a piece of Kashmir’s cooking since ages.


This is a traditional green tea preparation consumed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, some regions of Central Asia, and in northern India, especially in Kashmir Valley. In Pakistan, it is made in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, Punjab and Azad Kashmir regions.


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