Explore and experience the beautiful Ekta nursery in the vicinity of the SOU
Explore and experience the beautiful Ekta nursery developed in the vicinity of the Statue of Unity, in line with the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision and guidance.
This nursery is being developed in the vicinity of the Statue of Unity, in line with the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision that visitors, when they return, should take back with them seedlings as a Plant of Unity. Out of the one million plants targeted, 0.3 million plants are in ‘ready to sell’ stage and the other 0.7 million are ready.The distribution of plants is done at the entry gate where a stall has been put up for this purpose. Local youth are involved in the growing, development and sale of these plants.
Besides, Ekta Nursery also focus on various traditional eco-friendly products with a live demonstration of their manufacturing/production process.
Visiting hours:
- The nursery opens at 8 am and closes at 6 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.
- The laser light and sound show can be viewed from 7:30 pm onwards daily, except on Mondays.Nearest airports to Ekta Nursery:The nearest airports to Ekta Nursery are Ahmedabad, Surat and Vadodara International Airports. These airports have international flight paths and connect all major airports globally.
Points to keep in mind:
- Large packages, suitcases, carry-on luggage and other large parcels will not be permitted inside SoU and in lockers.
- Pets are not allowed inside SoU complex.
- Although the premise has adequate security we recommend visitors to undertake necessary precautions during the visit.
- Report any suspicious activity or behaviour you may see at the site.
- Alcohol and drugs are prohibited on the site.